Our Next Production
Women's One Acts+: May 2025
Play Selections
Pay It Backward by Donna Hoke, directed by Lori Alsdurf.
A Happy Child by Melinda Gros, directed by Samantha Faye King
A Good Fit by Jaclyn Stiller, directed by Jaclyn Stiller
Help from the Pod by Rebecca Kane, directed by Taylor Ruder
Missed Disconnections by Samara Siskind, directed by Emma Paquettte
Hatpin Diversion by Lisa M. W. Phelps, directed by Lisa M. W. Phelps
Cat Funeral by Kelly McBurnette-Andronicos, directed by Katlyn Moser
May 9-10, May 15-17 at 7:30 pm, May 18 at 2:00 pm
Riley-Jacques Barn
9100 Riley Lake Road, Eden Prairie (Map)
Coming up in 2025!
Summer Musical - Brigadoon: June 2025
Children’s Theater Workshop – The Bestest Bedtime Stories (As Told by Grandpa) (He’s Silly): July 2025
Collection of One Acts: September 2025
We Can Use Your Help!
Although we are partially funded by the City of Eden Prairie, Eden Prairie Players is responsible for much of the cost associated with each of our productions. Costs include, royalty fees, scripts, musical scores, costumes, performance space rental, marketing, director fees, technical staff fees, and so forth. Ticket sales only cover a portion of the costs for each production.
The overall budget for a typical summer musical is in the neighborhood of $20,000.
Please consider becoming a financial sponsor of Eden Prairie Players at one of the following levels, in order to expand and enhance each season by bringing new, creative and varied programming to this community:
Audition $25 to $49
Ensemble $50 to $99
Featured $100 to $249
Star $250 to $499
Director $500 to $999
Producer $1,000+
All monetary donations are tax-deductible.
We also have opportunities for corporations to sponsor our programs and to advertise in our show programs.
If you have items you feel we could use such as props, costumes, power tools, set building materials etc., contact us using the form on the “Get Involved” page. We may be able to put your items to use.
We're always looking for volunteers to help with individual productions or to serve on the EPP Advisory Committee to help shape the future of the organization. Sign up on the Get Email Blasts page to be notified of upcoming opportunities.